Eco Project 2019

Svitac (Firefly Bosnia) held together with the Local Team Brčko District – Association of High Schools in BiH (AsuBiH) street activity on May 13th, 2019.

The activity took place within the framework of the Eco Project, where the Local Team Brčko District and the Svitac (Firefly Bosnia) have been actively working for a year, aiming at ecological awareness of the citizens, end of the great use of non-destructive materials and the care of the environment and the local community.

Environmental protection is a highly relevant topic. This project will give the young people room to develop and realize their ideas about environment and its protection, and should also provide an opportunity to meet others with the same interests and to actively work together on the implementation of their ideas.

Collected funds are going to be used to buy new seedlings, which will be planted in our town.




Activities, news