Eco Project

Omladinska organizacija Svitac (Firefly) and the members of the ASUBiH Local Team Brčko initiated and launched together the first, but not the last action of the Eco Project on Thursday, the 31st of May, in the pedestrian zone in Brčko. The participants of the project were on the street from 11am to 2pm, promoting the importance of a clean and healthy environment, explaining the project’s goal, and conducting a small quiz with passers-by. The results of the quiz showed that citizens are concerned about the current state of the environment, and that they are convinced the situation is emergent. During the street activity participants also distributed leaflets inviting people to a screening of a documentary about the environment later in the evening at the Youth centre.

The attendees to the movie night watched Before the Flood, a documentary about the reality of global warming. The event was a great opportunity to learn something new, talk to others and together be part of a small, but better change for the future.

Environmental protection is a highly relevant topic. This ongoing project will give the young people room to develop and realize their ideas about the environment and its protection, as well as provide an opportunity for them to meet others with the same interests and actively work together to implement their ideas.




Activities, news