December 2015 Activities at Svitac

The December 2015 Activities at Svitac included:

  1. Music workshops (samba, guitar, choir and music workshops for children)
  2. Culture and Art Diversity around the World (includes English, German, Art&Crafts, Music and Sports workshops from Monday to Friday)
    • Younger group learned what the word “happy” means and how to express it. They also learned words such as “excited, sad, and shocked” in English. They made a cotton collage, and winter paintings,  learned how to mix colours, learned about senses, made their own photos using a prescribed scene as motivation for painting, made their self-portraits, create a New Year’s Eve ornament and New Year’s Wish Tree out of paper, and made basket hearts and origami boats. The children also practiced their song ‘Visibaba mala’ ahead of a New Year’s Party performance.
    • Older groups had the opportunity to practice conversation in English and played word games using Present Simple and Present Continuous. In December were introduced to some of the famous painters and had the opportunity to learn some new painting techniques. They also did acrylic paint of the cities, water colouring, salt-heart baskets, learned how to mix and make different shadows of blue, finished masks for drama workshops, made a lava lamp and a Christmas tree, and practiced the song ‘Hakuna Matata’ for the New Year’s Party.
  3. Kreativne Radionice (Art&Crafts for young people)
  4. Language workshops (English and German)
  5. I still love English (informal English workshops for teenagers and young people)
  6. “Let’s speak German” (informal German workshops for teenagers and young people)
    • So far, the German communication group has been a great success. Volunteer instructors Anne, Johanna and Jonas had so many participants that they could split the group into three groups. This was also necessary, because the participants language skills ranged from complete beginner to very advanced. Anne is working with complete beginners, Johanna is working with people on level A2/B1 and Jonas is working with people on level B2. In the classes they discuss cultural topics such as food, traditions, festivities and compare in comparing Bosnia with Germany. It is interesting for both sides.
      The participants’ number in Anne’s group is six, Johanna’s group (A2/B1) is five and in Jonas’ group eight;
  7. Drama
  8. Sports workshops (“Freeletics”, Karate)
  9. Screening of the film “To Kill a Mockingbird” (‘Ubiti pticu rugalicu’)
    • Svitac international and local volunteers attended this screening organized in cooperation of American Embassy and Brčko District Government. It was held at the “American Corner” in the Library of Brčko District, on Thursday, 10th December. The main aim of this screening was celebrating the week of the fight against corruption. After the screening the film there was a fifteen minute discussion led by Daniel Petrick, an official of the US Embassy in BiH.



141 participants attended regular Svitac workshops in December. Participants attending all these regular workshops were between 4 and 40 years old. The youngest and the oldest participants attended Culture and Art Diversity around the World workshops and English/German workshops for adults.


