Cooperation with ASuBiH

Omladinska organizacija Svitac recently supported ‘Local team ASuBiH’ (Association of high school students of Bosnia and Herzegovina) in setting up a stall in the city centre to sell handmade jewellery and second-hand school books. With this project, the Local Team ASuBiH were aiming to fundraise a sufficient amount to provide new school books for students from disadvantaged social backgrounds in the Brčko District community. The second-hand books that were not sold are going to be donated to some local primary and high schools. Members of staff from Omladinska organizacija Svitac and some of our EVS international volunteers (Eleonore Pearson, Trang Pham Hong and Vanessa Brumen) attended and assisted with the handmade jewellery workshop at the Youth centre, alongside the group of young members from the Local team ASuBiH. They also attended the pop-up market to take part in the selling of jewellery and books.
August 2016



