APRIL AT SVITAC (FIREFLY) – volunteer’s blog

What a month it has been here at Svitac (Firefly). The first month of Spring sprung on us quickly, and now we find ourselves over a third of the year though with the relentless passing of time is showing no signs of slowing. The times, they are a changin’, and we must all keep up.
An ideal that is seen at Svitac (Firefly) daily. We greet time with patience, growth with humility, and knowledge with respect. With that in mind, a whole month of learning and team-building alike has continued at Svitac (Firefly), and has followed over into May.
But let’s talk about April for now…

Starting the month as we usually do, in the thralls of all the daily classes, language lessons, and evening workshops that are offered at the Omladinski Centar in Brcko. Eleonore, our Arts Coordinator, has been extremely busy – fabulously pushing the bounds of her position daily – working to get the attendees of her evening arts workshop a gallery showing at a cafe in the centre of town. More on that when it comes to pass.

All the other volunteers working at Svitac (Firefly), local and international, have also had their hands full preparing all month for the annual Spring Festival on the 21st of April. A time for the older groups and the younger groups taught at the center, to come together and enjoy the sunny themed party Svitac (Firefly) holds. Chocked-full with activities, games, arts, and music. The preparation for this event last all month – and a lot of last month – for one night of fun for all. Making sure that all who attend enjoy themselves is always a priority, and we feel that we achieved this halfway through seating the audience in the Kino Sala (Cinema Room). All with a smile on their face, ready to enjoy a night fancy free.

Before the Spring Festival, we had visitors that needed our attention. Two world travellers (Nikos and Isaac of MAMUTS World Tour) stopped by on their motorcycle tour to talk about their journey, and how it is all working out for them on the 13th of April. First in the older afternoon group, and then at a full nightly workshop – so we had all the bases covered. Details of the journey where arduous and well thought out, it all seemed. Offering the youth community a chance to see well thought out travel, and how to achieve it. Valuable information for anyone to have.

Continuing the good work that has been achieved through April won’t be a hard feat for the volunteers. But, knowing them, they will attempt to top it. As times are a changin’, but the Svitac (Firefly) high standards of education never will.

It has been a great month. Hope to see you next month.

And remember to keep in touch for more on Svitac (Firefly) and all that we do by continuing in reading this blog or by following us on Facebook (Omladinska Organizacija Svitac), Twitter (Svitac_BiH) and Instagram (svitacbrcko) for more regular updates!

Hvala puno! (Thank you very much!)

Ben Owens, Svitac (Firefly) EVS volunteer



Volunteer Blog