Adin Midzic EVS Exchange to Germany

I started my EVS adventure on bus station in Brčko saying goodbye to my old habits. I sat in the bus and went to unknown. Through my head went many things like “what I am going to do there”, “will I fit in” and “how did I ended up in this situation”.

After 24 hours in the bus I arrived in Leipzig, the town next to place where I needed to go. In the early morning I saw a Svitac ex-volunteer Maja going towards me (she used to be volunteer in Youth Organization Svitac where I am volunteer as well, and who gave me an idea and the inspiration to go for an EVS exchange). I arrived to my own flat and I thought “wow, for the first time I am living alone”.

After some time I got used to my new life rhythm. I was working in the youth centre, mainly leading musical workshops and helping kids with English. Of course, people didn’t gladly speak English so I needed to adjust quickly. I started to learn German at the university Martin Luther  – now I speak well.

Oh, yeah, the place of my EVS was Halle, a small little town that I loved to explore; I’d sit in the tram and go in a random direction hoping I will find something new. My favourite city was Berlin, where I spent New Year’s Eve – had great party and for the first time I saw so many people in one place – it was VAU. The second favourite thing on my EVS was “open jam sessions”. I loved to do them as a musician and I always went to bars when they had open nights; there I met most of my friends. After a while I got a roommate for the first time and I needed to adjust one more time.

I need to mention my best friend Jovana from Macedonia; she was there longer than me, so she helped me a lot with adjusting, especially with cooking my own food. Unfortunately, she left after some time. A year pasted so quickly and I was driving back home to Brčk0 leaving behind nice memories on my EVS. I wish that most of my friends do the same because it is awesome experience.

Adin Midzic



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