1999 Summer Camps

Our 1999 summer camps marked the start, not long after the war, of what is now 15 years of Svitac participating in or organising summer camps for youth from Brčko.

The first camp was organised by our founder Ellie Maxwell in the summer of 1999 in collaboration with an NGO from Mostar. Through this camp we were able to send a half dozen teenagers to Obonjan Island off the coast of Croatia (and again in 2000).

In sumer of 1999 we also sent youth to a summer camp in Spain, held in Catalonia. They spent 10 days camping in tents in Valle de Aran, before being hosted by families for 5-6 days in Barcelona. That camp was organised by a Sarajevo-based NGO called Nesto Vise (“Something more”). Our local team member Kristina, 17 at the time, accompanied 3 girls from Brčko on the trip.

